Thursday 17 April 2014

61st National Film Awards: Why not Miss Lovely?

Today this question is asked quite a number of times. They have come up with a lot of possible solutions corruption among jury member, insider lobby, a better competition. (May be not the last one.) 
But what I want to know is Why should Miss Lovely win the best film anyway? I'm not saying that Jury members are the most honest ever or that the insider lobby does not matter... But why should Miss Lovely succeed anyway? on what merit?
Camerawork is irrelevant to the linear timeline that is followed in the film or the blatant collapse of the sound-image equilibrium or the failing to evoke Bombay's 1980. But as I said before, I'll not elaborate on technicalities. For that you have to follow my blog on as Cinema is also andragogy. Here I will talk about my opinion.

So why Miss Lovely?
this question gives rise to a lot of other questions like:

  • Why is Vicky a bad guy?
  • Why should we identify with Sonu?
  • Why should we sympathise with Pinky?
  • Why should Vicky be killed?
Answer to all these questions are wrapped up in the unspoken ideology of the film which says: making a lovestory is better than making a porn movie. (Didn't you see that coming?)

Vicky is a bad guy not because of the way he treats women, the way he handles money and success, how he gets money for his endeavours. He is a bad guy cause he makes, loves making and standing by his choice of making pornography.
In contrast Sonu is a better guy just by the virtue of his aspirations to make love story as differentiated from pornography. He is a constant companion to his brother Vicky's every misdeed. But he remains protected in the film as spectators sweetheart as he aims to be free from this amoral activities. His sins remains a means to an end, while Vicky remains unpardonable.
Pinky, a former porn star, present prostitute and aspiring heroine in Sonu's love-story film is apparently not out of director's favours. She remains surrounded by this mystical cloud of self-righteousness (even camera looks at her differently than the rest of the lesser mortals) Pinky may have been a pornstar but she has left it. Pinky may be a prostitute but that is just to sustain herself. Pinky is not defined by that. She is defined by the fact that she wanted to be a heroine in a love story and not a porn star.

The director himself does not sympathise with the seedy world of the 1980s Bombay porn industry. So his film makes the spectator hate it. He highlights this low-life underbellies of the society just to minimize their quiddity. He exposes them only to humiliate them. He makes you take the holier-than-thou stand point in the whole narrative.

Therefore next time I'm asked the question,

Why not Miss Lovely

I'm going to answer with- 

Why Miss Lovely?

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